Artwork > Oligarchs Dream, A New Gilded Age

Oligarchs Dream, Tiffany and Co. and Old Growth Forest
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 Revere Platinum Rag
Oligarchs Dream, Shell Building and Oil Tank Car
Platinum and Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 Revere Platinum Rag
Russ Building and Chemical Tank Cars
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 revere platinum rag
Oligarchs Dream, Salesforce Tower and Old Growth Forest
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 Revere Platinum Rag
Oligarchs Dream, Transamerica Pyramid and Suice Box Mining Ruin
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 Revere Platinum Rag
Condo Construction and Yuba Gold Fields
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 Revere Platinum Rag
Oligarchs Dream, Russ Building and Ol Growth Forest
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 Revere Platinum Rag
Oligarchs Dream, Aggregate Mine and Old Growth Redwood Forest
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 Revere Platinum Rag
Oligarchs Dream, Palm Trees and Yuba Gold Fields
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 Revere Platinum Rag
Oligarchs Dream, Fidelity Investments and Old Growth Forest
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 revere platinum rag
Oligarchs Dream, Standard Oil Building and Railroad Tank Cars
Platinum/Palladium contact print
10x14 image on 11x15 Revere Platinum Rag

For several years I have been photographing forest clear cuts in the Pacific Northwest. The experience has revealed a convoluted and tangled web of profit from extraction industries and their relationships to corporate wealth. When walking the financial districts of cities, I began connecting the dots behind iconic buildings and industrial exploitation. Through my photography I began intuitively exploring this architecture, working to define a side of history not obviously visible; how oligarchs and their corporations make wealth from exploiting natural resources.
With my camera, I purposefully set out with these intentions, employing the technique of double exposing medium format film through my vintage bellows camera. After the initial exposures, In the darkroom, I back-roll the film and re-expose it with contrasting imagery. Often these two polarizing images, one of nature, a resource of exploitation and another of iconic buildings connected to finance and commerce, became the visual vernacular of my narrative. When developed, the images became a haunting visual story of how our city landscapes have been funded. “A New Gilded Age” is the result of this multi-year work.
I chose to print these images with a historical alternative photo process, Platinum/Palladium on rag paper. After developing the film, I scan the original negatives to produce a negative the size I wish to contact print. I then mix the emulsion and hand coat the paper. The Platinum/Palladium printing process adds a depth to the final image, alluding to the gravitas of the landscapes captured.
Tony Bellaver